The HERCULES & BMES Team, Steve & Ross, along with the H700, H850 & HD636D are heading to Henty -'Home of the Header'.
Come visit us at the Henty Field Days, tomorrow, Wednesday & Thursday, September 19th, 20th & 21st, 22 Lubkes Road, Henty NSW, Site # R BLOCK 835.

Due to agricultural innovations that revolutionised world agriculture. In 1914, a local farmer, Mr Headlie Taylor invented the header harvester which completely revolutionised the grain industry around the world. The Hercules Loaders Truck is coming your way Henty, with plenty of Great Deals and Discounts on our construction equipment and farm machinery.

Henty Machinery Field Days, home of Australia’s largest agribusiness super event is located in the heart of the nation’s food bowl in southern NSW, Henty Machinery Field Days attracts more than 60,000 visitors each year.